one hundred cocktails
drinking with a purpose
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Mother-In-Law Cocktail
08 Jun 2012
This cocktail has a punch-like number of ingredients. Clearly, however, it’s no punch. For one thing, there’s no oleo saccharum. Or citrus at all, for that matter.
My experience with cocktails that have tons of ingredients has been middling at best, and the list here is somewhat daunting and seemingly incoherent.
Also, it’s called the “Mother-In-Law” which is just sort of weird. The story’s in the book, and it makes sense.
This is a cocktail for a group of serious drinkers, as there’s a lot of alcohol involved. I ended up making a half batch and it was plenty for two of us.
Gotta be honest, though. This cocktail works. A healthy dose of bitters and aromatic liqueurs doesn’t hurt, but the balance is great. This is a sipping cocktail with charm and finesse and definitely better than the sum of its parts. Do try, if you’ve got all of the stuff sitting around.
Copyright © 2011 - 2012 Aaron N. Tubbs